A big hello from me - Emma Sweet - the leader of the pack, a caption the Henley Standard gave to me and it feels rather fitting. After coming up with the idea in August 2022 at a time when energy bills were a big focus and social interaction even more so, what could be a better (and frugal!) way to spend time than enjoying a game of cards or two?
When we visit new places, our default setting is to always go online but that doesn't mean you'll find the best places or those hidden gems and that's where the idea for these playing cards came from.
Take these cards to the pub with you and make new friends, in your caravan whilst waiting for the rain to stop or at home with a takeaway and a few drinks with the family. Wherever you’re playing cards, know that I’ve loved every minute of working on them and the overwhelmingly positive vibes from everyone in the town has made them a true joy to work on.
I moved to Henley in July 2012 and now live just outside in Knowl Hill but still work here so spend a lot time in this amazing town and hence why I was inspired to create them.
The ace up my sleeve - Nicola Metcalfe - a creative genius and splendid to work with. Her designs are quite frankly magnificent I’m sure you’ll agree. This project would be nothing without her and her drawings have really captured the spirit of Henley as well as created a lot of love for those wanting to get involved and folk wanting to get their hands on a pack.
Nicola lives in Marlow, only 8 miles away from Henley. Check out her website for all her other work www.nicolametcalfe.com

Thanks to the card-sharp sponsors - These cards wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for your trust and faith in a new idea. Please do visit the places in the pack and tell them you’re there because of seeing them on the cards. It will make it all worthwhile and there's a reason they made the pack.
Keeping it local - no honestly, really local. The cards are printed 21 miles away over in Amersham. Every supplier along the way is as local as poss. Max, the creator of this very website lives in Banbury. Jack's Gallery in Henley framed all the super-sized prints for the launch so it really is benefitting Henley in more ways than just having a wonderful set of cards to show-off.
And for my next trick... I’m unsure whether to apologise or just style-out all the playing card-related puns on this page alone and the rest of the website. I mean, there’s never going to be a better time to embrace them! I hope you enjoy these playing cards and if you think your town or city needs a deck of their own then do get in touch. Plans are already afoot for more Ace playing cards so check out www.aceplaces.co.uk to see what's being worked on and a follow on social media would be much appreciated.